new Art new Audiences aims to be a catalyst for the creation of new art that reaches new audiences in Sub-Saharan Africa and the UK. The call is interested in projects that showcase new art to 18 to 35-year-old audiences who haven’t seen your art before in the following art forms: architecture, design and fashion; film; music; dance and theatre; creative economy; cultural skills; literature; visual arts; and any combination of art forms.

We are looking for projects between the UK and two Sub-Saharan Africa regions (East, West, Southern). At least three different countries must be involved in the project, each project must have at least one UK partner and at least one partner from Sub-Saharan Africa (from the countries specified below in 'eligible countries'). 


  1. nAnA will fund 10 new projects in 2019;
  2. Projects can bid for up to £30,000. 
  3. Please note as well as granting major projects at £30,000 we welcome experimental project proposals in the range of £5,000 to £10,000.
  4. Artists, arts organisations and/or art collectives from the specified countries (listed above) must connect to co-create, co-facilitate or co-produce new art together.  Examples of ways to interpret this criterion can be found in the downloadable info document.
  5. nAnA 2019 is particularly interested in supporting projects by artists, arts organisations and/or art collectives that already have, and want to build upon, cross country collaborations and connections. New partnerships are also encouraged and in the FAQs, you will see how British Council are offering support to identify arts partners in the UK and the Sub-Saharan Africa region;
  6. There are no restrictions on art forms and there are no restrictions on themes.


The online application will ask 5 questions on your project idea; the connections and collaborations you are making to the specified countries, cities and to your collaborators; the audience reach; your timeline and communication plan; and your budget. There will also be an opportunity to link to images; videos and any other supporting content that you might wish to include.

Upon submitting your application you will receive an email notification confirming its receipt. You will then be notified on Monday 22nd July if your project has been shortlisted. Shortlisting will be undertaken by British Council arts teams in each of the countries that the nAnA grant covers.

Applications will only be accepted through the online portal through this page.


 Applications close on 23:59pm, 1 July 2019, UTC.


Please download the information pack available below for more information, guidelines and FAQ's.    


22 May 2019 - Open Call Begins

1 July 2019 - Open Call Closes

Eligible Countries:

The United Kingdom: England | Northern Ireland | Scotland | Wales

East Africa: Ethiopia | Kenya | Rwanda | South Sudan | Sudan | Tanzania | Uganda

Southern Africa: Botswana | Malawi | Mauritius | Mozambique | Namibia | South Africa | Zambia | Zimbabwe

West Africa: Ghana | Nigeria | Senegal | Sierra Leone

West Africa and UK Focus: