The British Council Ghana, in collaboration with Social Enterprise Ghana (SE Ghana), is launching its COVID-19 Response for Social Entrepreneurs in Ghana – providing social entrepreneurs with the tools and resources they need to be more resilient during the crisis, and to enhance their efforts in creating impact in their communities during the pandemic. In our response, we will:

  •  Engage the social enterprise community in Ghana for collective action by improving collaboration and sharing knowledge, insights and best practices to enhance enterprise resilience.
  • Ensure enterprise continuity by sharing opportunities and resources (internal and external) to assist social enterprises in maintaining operations and building their overall resilience during and post the pandemic.
  • Engage social enterprise experts, support organisations, policy makers and the government to share mechanisms for support to social enterprises.

Upcoming campaigns & events:

  • #Resilience4Impact Social Media Tips: In collaboration with Social Enterprise Ghana (SE Ghana) we will be sharing business continuity and resiliency tips for social entrepreneurs every week across our social media platforms. Visit our Twitter and Facebook pages to stay updated.
  • SE-Connect with the Experts: In collaboration with Social Enterprise Ghana (SE Ghana) we will provide social entrepreneurs with a platform to connect and learn from experts within Ghana’s social enterprise space. The monthly series will consist of both educational webinars and rapid response sessions to discuss topics of relevance towards building resilience in business#
  • Policy Dialogues

 Social enterprise resources during Covid-19

Here are some links to advice, resources and support for social enterprises and social entrepreneurs during the Covid-19 crisis. Also included are links to online courses on social enterprise and related topics 

  • Acumen – The Acumen Academy  offers a wide range of online courses, some of them free and others not, on topics such as Business Models for Social Enterprises, Lean Start-up Principles for the Social Sector, and Social Entrepreneurship 101. 
  • AVPN – Consult their website for links to Asia-focussed crowdfunding initiatives, open source collaboration and webinars to address the impacts of Covid-19.
  • ANDE (Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs) – Find links to initiatives to address the pandemic in Africa, the Americas and Asia as well as info on funding sources, government guidance.
  •  British Council – Read our Resources for aspiring social entrepreneurs if you are thinking of starting a social enterprise in the UK. Additionally, our Build Career Skills collection includes videos from the School of Social Entrepreneurs on topics such as Growing a social enterprise  and Marketing a social enterprise product .  
  • FutureLearn – ‘Turn your social enterprise idea into action ’ is a series of three online courses put together by Middlesex University Business School in partnership with Living in Minca and the Jindal Centre for Social Innovation. You can join most courses for free but there is a fee to take the final assessment and secure accreditation for the program. 
  • iDEA – The Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award  is ‘an international programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills for free.’ 
  • Nesta – Visit their homepage to access news and resources related to Covid-19. Their Creative Enterprise Toolkit is ‘a practical resource to help you plan, build, test, communicate and launch your new creative business”. The toolkit has been translated into a number of languages including Arabic, Mandarin and Spanish. 
  • NextBillion – Their Coronavirus Resources for the Social Impact Sector  includes links to resources (e.g. funding opportunities, strategies for adapting to the crisis), online events, analysis and news on how the business and development sectors are responding to the crisis.
  • Pioneers Post – The UK-based social enterprise magazine offers news, resources and stories  to help social entrepreneurs, impact investors and mission-driven businesses get through the Covid-19 pandemic.” They also partner with the British Council on Global Perspectives on Social Enterprise , a collection of over 200 articles, podcasts and videos about social and creative enterprise, impact economies, and the innovations and ‘ecosystem builders’ that support their growth.
  • The School for Social Entrepreneurs (SSE) – Their ‘How to prepare for coronavirus ’ section provides links to resources for social enterprises, small charities and community projects, including on finance and funding, government support, continuity planning and more. Also check out their range of online courses to help you develop your charity or social enterprise. 
  • Social Enterprise Academy – They offer a range of online learning support  for organisations in Scotland and around the world to help build leadership capacity, generate new ideas and strengthen individual resilience throughout the COVID-19 crisis and beyond.
  • Social Enterprise Institute –They offer a range of online social enterprise courses , on subjects such as Steps to Start-up, Impact Practice and Investment Readiness, as well as foundational online training packages and the option for personalised online learning and coaching. These are all fee-based.
  • StartSomeGood – Their Good Hustle  is a 10-week online programme to help participants design a purpose-driven business. The course comprises five modules with 14 video lessons, action focused worksheets, peer learning pods and live group calls. The full price for a course beginning on 20 April is USD $749 USD but sponsorship options may be available.